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報章名稱:HK Tatler

文章主題:Dates with Destiny

   In these turbulent times, who could not resist seeking the wisdom of those who see the future and read the past? Three well-known faces submit to the predictive powers of famous fung shui experts. Mei-Chee Check and Peter Cheung record their fate.

Susanna Cheung's reading with Au Chung-tak

   Susanna Cheung's claims she is not super-stitious. So When asked if she would like a reading with a famous Chinese fortune-teller, she chuckles and says: "Sure, why not? It'll be fun."

   Au Chung-Tak begins by drawing a small diagram to explain his Chinese astrology reading to Cheung. He states she has a strong earth element, indicating honesty and sincerity. "Earth is soil and the abundance of that element can symbolize a person as a mountain. Ms Cheung also has a strong sun and water presence. Her element of water is so strong that it is as if she has a reservoir to draw from. This water symbolizes fortune which puts her in a good position," says Au.

   But the fortune-teller states that the combination of the sun, earth and soil yields, flowers, meaning she will possibly go through more than one marriage. Au explains: "Between the ages of 23 and 53, the abundance of the water element brings you good wealth and fortune. However, too much water can kill the flowers, creating conflicts in marriage." This is an apt allusion to Cheung's high-profile divorce from David Tang.

   Au says that the presence of two stars reveals that Cheung is a romantic and affectionate person. "She requires attention and pampering from her mate. She can be persuaded by her mate when he is gentle and courtly. Her mate will never be able to be firm with her and she is very rigid when it comes to arguments. Symbolized as a mountain, her personality is stubborn and opinionated."

   Cheung inquires about her relationships with family and friends. Au's first response is good news: Cheung will not have to experience the passing of an older family member this year, Au predicts Cheung will "make more male friends, as fate provides her with closer friendships with mean than women".

   Cheung's chart reveals that 1999 will be a water-shed year in terms of romance. "She will experience more romance and possibly marriage. She might have another child in the year 2000 or 2001." Cheung' family life will be peaceful and she will enjoy a close relationship with her daughter. She will not change residences until the year 2000. Cheung informs Au that she was thinking about moving but he insists that this is not likely in the near future.

   In terms of health, Au does not see any cause for concern. "There may be minor stress-related ailments, much later in life, around the age 59," he tells Cheung. "At 62, your strong water element may present health problems in the lower part of your body, but there is not need to worry as recovery will be fast and simple."

   Cheung does not have any questions to ask Au, but requests readings of her children and her loved ones. She comments: "It's difficult to judge the accuracy of a reading when someone is describing you. It's hard to remain objective. However, after listening to Mr Au describing the other people in my life, who are all completely different in personality, I realized that he is very accurate."

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