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文章主題:Ebb and flow of fortune

   The locations of these new Kowloon properties make them ideal for managers, workers and scholars.

Property name: The Waterfront
Address: Austin Road, Kowloon

   THE feng shui of The Waterfront in Kowloon is good. This private housing estate faces Victoria Harbour, which brings prosperity. Also, it's built on reclaimed land. Because the location was originally the sea, it can boost residents’ luck in gambling and investment.

   Even after reclamation, the property still tends to be affected by the water.

   The flats also face Lantau Island. Even though it is a bit far away, the height and extended mountain range of the island symbolizes an army troop under your leadership. It provides good feng shui for residents at management level in their companies because they can maintain respect from ? and control over -- their subordinates.

Property name: The Montebello
Address: 155 Argyle Street, Mong Kok

   MONEY-WISE, the feng shui does not favour residents of The Montebello, which is too far from the sea. But, while it is not suitable for businessmen and investors, it is good for other employees who enjoy a stable working environment and income.

   The positive side is that the busy traffic around Mong Kok and Prince Edward Road can substitute for the lack of water. It symbolizes the flow of water, so residents can at least benefit from good feng shui in the long term.

   We believe that the constantly flowing waters of the sea, river and streams are clean, while sewage water is dirty. Only clean water brings prosperity Dirty water can affect the health of those who live near it. Therefore, you should avoid flats that face an open ditch or a sewage treatment plant.

   The good thing about The Montebello is that it's under the shelter of Lion Rock, which gives a good environment for students. Children living here should be diligent and creative.

Property name: University Court
Address: 169 Boundary Street, Kowloon Tong

   UNIVERSITY Court is also under the shelter of Lion Rock, which inspires the scholarly and creative spirit.

   However, because the building is located far away from the sea, residents? luck in making a fortune is limited.

   In fact, in choosing a residential area, you should first try to find out if the place has produced many rich or high-achieving people. There aren't many rich or famous people living on Boundary Street in Kowloon. I reckon that it's always a good reflection of the feng shui of that area.

   As told to Alice Fung by Au Chung-tak Telephone: 2395 5077

1. 區仲德批方力申葉萱感情波折難長久
2. 區仲德細談古天樂龍年最強風水奇局
3. 鏡仔運勢大檢閱 姜濤一哥可否保
4. 區仲德指李佳芯水木情緣局催旺事業
5. 吉吉食傷制殺奪冠 小龍女貴氣破失準
6. 區仲德指出蔡天鳯寶福山舉殯有玄機
7. 眾裡尋邪教新歡 小方真係咁大方
8. 區仲德談古天樂郭富城擺金龍風水陣
9. 港樂教父命帶貴 煇黃組合成絕唱
10. 區仲德預測「2023兔年樓價料轉弱」
11. 區仲德博士教你 自家布陣攞頭彩
12. 紅星布奇局谷運勢區仲德細談風水陣
13. 區仲德說劉心悠風水屋得名又得貴子
14. 區仲德指陳山聰搬風水屋旺事業名利
15. 區仲德指郭柏妍二四年事業愛情大旺
16. 區仲德批萬梓良貴人扶助名利皆得
17. 修哥開騷前中招 九十個唱夢難圓
18. 區仲德談陳靜秘擁發達臍富貴旺夫
19. 區仲德指楊明欲脫囚刑穿粉紅增運
20. 區仲德說梁思浩陰氣旺宅大發陰財
21. 區仲德指MIRROR舞台陰氣重意外生
22. 林志穎可轉危為安 區仲德指吉星扶持
23. 新星炎明熹姜濤 能否及哥哥梅姐
24. 區仲德說吳業坤子星旺三年內得子
25. 區仲德批陳展鵬子女星旺再添子女
26. Hana吳卓羲命格夾 區仲德指有望成婚
27. 聲生不息救港樂 炎明熹身負重望
28. 區仲德談古天樂十二巨龍陣招財抗疫
29. 陳山聰視帝勝券在握 區仲德說新屋旺
30. 區仲德批林峯命中有子下胎追仔成功
31. 區仲德談張彥博變髮催運旺事業
32. 區仲德博士指:流年不利 災禍迭起
33. 區仲德說周秀娜今年有「短暫情緣」
34. 區仲德批「虎年年中樓市小陽春」
35. 姜濤住筲箕灣 區仲德指大旺名利
36. 2022 (虎年) 十二生肖運程預測
37. 楊偲泳幫夫格 區仲德說助旺張振朗
38. 梅艷芳經典重現 王丹妮能否彈起
39. 黃智雯有望奪獎 區仲德指新居招財喜
40. 鄧兆尊貴子興家 區仲德說得財添丁
41. 李雲迪流年失利 木火之年再翻新
42. 陳小春改名 區仲德指旺財助事業
43. 選美世家全打造 8號混血兒再旺
44. 唐詩詠幫夫相 區仲德指事業愛情旺
45. 區仲德談王浩信魚尾紋多有婚變危機
46. 克勤出道不逢運 殺印生越老越旺
47. 阮小儀「標尾會」區仲德批遲婚命
48. 區仲德斷谷婭溦貴人星照命必有後福
49. 黃德斌符碌卅載 離巢賣萌博反彈
50. 陳自瑤運氣逆轉 旺夫不如旺自己
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